One Glass Wharf
One Glass Wharf
Bristol, UK
À propos du projet
Located in Bristol’s bustling business quarter, One Glass Wharf stands as a testament to modern design and sustainability. Originally completed in 2011, this 19,500m² office building, with its distinctive terracotta, zinc, and glass façade, quickly became the new headquarters for Burges Salmon.
The building, lauded for its innovative design featuring a central atrium crossed by a striking helical stair, received a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating and a BCO Regional Award in its inaugural year.
Eleven years post-completion, the main entrance and office areas required a refurbishment, which included the replacement of the building’s entrance matting systems.
The original Pediluxe Entrance Matting, supplied by CS during the initial construction phase, had served well but needed replacement to align with the building’s refreshed interior. The mats had to be fitted within the original matwells whilst still meeting the practical demands of a high-traffic corporate environment.

CS manufactured a retrofit matting solution using a template provided by the customer. Two Pediluxe mats, each 10200 mm wide, were fabricated to a unique, radiused design, seamlessly fitting around the building’s revolving doors.
The mats featured interior-grade carpet inserts, chosen for their durability and moisture absorption qualities. A Wrought Iron insert colour was specified to complement the building’s interior design, and closed spline option to facilitate ease of cleaning.
Installed on opposite sides of the reception area, the new mats enhance the visual appeal while maintaining the functionality and safety standards required in a busy entrance area.